Have you recently got into scuba diving? It’s likely that even if you haven’t already, you’ll at some point invest in one of the best dive computers available on the market.
Dive computers are essential pieces of diving gear that help you to stay safe when under the water, as they can be used to alert you to everything from the amount of air or gas you have left in your cylinder, whether you’ve been underwater too long if you are descending or ascending too quickly.
What exactly is a dive computer? Basically, dive computers are one of your lifelines when you’re deep under the surface of the water. There are many reasons why you should own a dive computer, one of them being that they help you get more out of the whole diving experience because you can log different metrics and information about each dive you participate in. This is handy for monitoring your progress in scuba diving.
Table of Contents
Caring For Your Dive Computer
Dive computers are designed to accompany you on your exploration under the water and improve the overall experience, they are built to be robust enough to handle extreme conditions and environments, just like the Mares Smart dive watch.
As well designed as dive computers are to last a long time, you have to do your bit too in establishing a habit of properly taking care of your dive computer. This will ensure it works as well as it should, for as long as possible.
In the following post, we will take a look then at some things you to do to ensure your dive computer is all ready for action when you are.
Dive Computer Care: Steps to Take Before Your Dive
Similarly, to the things you need to check before hitting the road in your car, such as checking the gas gauge, the rear-view mirror and adjusting your seat, there are a number of basic, but essential things you need to do before diving with your computer.
Step #1: Check the Battery
Checking the battery to make sure it is fully charged and operational. You don’t want to get on the dive boat, ready to plunge into the water only to realize your dive computer battery needs replacing, do you?
If it’s one that can be easily replaced, make sure you install your new battery correctly and check the O-rings in the battery housing ensuring that they’re clean and free from damage. Does your dive computer have a transmitter like the Suunto Eon Steel Dive Computer? Check the battery powering that too.
Step #2: Get Your Dive Watch Serviced
As the majority of dive computer manufacturers advise carrying out service check-ups routinely every couple of years, you should make sure you check its functionality, seals, and calibration.
This will prevent avoidable problems ruining a perfectly good diving trip or vacation.
Step #3: Check Your Dive Computer for Wear & Tear
Check any hose connections, buckles and wristbands for signs of wear and tear, corrosion or other damage. Replace as and when necessary. Check that the screen protector is fixed securely in place and free from damage. Ensure all onboard buttons work properly.
Step #4: Run Through Your Pre-Dive Checks
If your dive computer passes the tests outlined above, you are now ready to set the basics. This includes setting the date, time, whether you want to use Celsius or Fahrenheit and meters or feet. Follow your dive watch or computers manufacturers manual in order to get your computer dive-ready,
Make sure all the appropriate alarms are set, like the no-decompression limits, bottom time, depth and air. If your device has a default mode that automatically switches it to nitrox after 24 hours, you will need to make sure the settings are right again.
Making sure you fully understand how the safety-stop function works on your particular dive computer model, one of the most important features of a dive computer. While some have automatic settings, others allow you to program them yourself.
Dive Computer Care: Steps to Take After Your Dive
Once you return to the surface and dry land after an exciting time exploring the watery deeps, there are things you should always make sure you do to keep your dive computer in good working condition. Including:
Step #1: Rinse Your Dive Watch
Rinsing your dive computer thoroughly with clean and fresh water after every single dive. Make sure you swirl it around in the water to dislodge any debris or sand that may be trapped inside it. Then carefully dry it off with a soft towel to remove any silt, salt or other organic matter from it.
Pay especially close attention to the metal contacts, using a mild detergent and a soft bristle toothbrush to remove any sunscreen, perspiration, salt or other matter that may have built up.
Step #2: Store Your Dive Watch Properly
Protect your dive computer from solvents or harsh chemicals, direct sunlight, and heat. All of these can weaken and ruin the waterproof seals.
Always store it away in a well-ventilated, dry and cool area. Avoid leaving your dive computer in damp conditions for prolonged periods of time.
When you’re traveling with your dive computer in tow, pack it in a bag with lots of additional padding (wetsuits are particularly good for this) and always keep it in your carry-on luggage and bags if possible.
Summary of Caring for Your Dive Computer
Dive computers are incredibly hardy and will put up with a lot of abuse, particularly if you’re a more experienced diver and can afford to splash out on one of the pricier models.
Pssstttt… If you don’t already have a case for your dive computer, here are some of our most popular picks;

- Storeage Case
- Hard Shell
- Rounded Design
- Great for Travel

- Soft & Compact Pouch
- Solid Zipper Design
- Dimensions: 5x3x2 Inch
- Great Protection

- Lined Pre-Cut Foam
- Double Sided Zipper
- Durable Case
- Dimensions: 4x4x5 Inch
However, they are not completely damage-free. You need to look after them properly if you want them to provide a reliable service for you.
Hopefully, we have shown just how easy it is to take care of that nice new dive computer you have. All that is involved in some simple and quick tasks, many of which take no more than a few minutes to complete.